
Inspired by the OpenEVSE project, our Open Volt Controller is centered around the ATMEGA644 microcontroller. During development stage, this is the microcontroller that was readily available. Not only that, but it provides so many extra I/O's that it gives us the flexibility to add as many functions as we want to our custom charging stations. 

In the spirit of encouraging innovation and collaboration, we have decided to release our blueprints. We've built on the foundation laid out by OpenEVSE and added our own flavor to it. Besides being an EVSE controller, our board also has the ability to control smart LED's. A small add-on module can be plugged into our board and control a string of smart LED's as you wish. We used this feature to build a wheel charging station for the automotive enthusiast. Check out our build in this blog post.

Printed Circuit Board

Schematic PDF

KiCad Schematic File

KiCad Board File


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